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Glittery Dresses Makeover

» » Glittery Dresses Makeover

Glittery Dresses Makeover Description

Let’s search together for the most beautiful dress the world has seen! What would be the secret ingredients for that? What do you think? I believe we should go for a little bit of pink... and probably a tiny bit of fashion kinda style. Of course, it has to be totally delicate and completely girly. And now, for the final touch: it should by all sparkling with tons and tons of glitter! Oh, we could never get enough of glitter, could we? Let’s dress up with the coolest glittery dresses, girls!

Glittery Dresses Makeover Game Instruction

Click the menu tabs until you find your favorite items from each category.

Rated 3.65/5 (791 Votes)
